Customer Service 101

I have had so many times when I received bad customer service, that I have to mention a totally unexpected gem.

Last night, I bought this domain, at A good friend had recommended them and so I bought a domain and hosted it there. I figured that it was about time for me to own myself (cloud-wise).

So, today, I got a call from a woman at GoDaddy. I figured that they were going to try to upsell me to something more.  The first words out of her mouth were “Hi, I am calling from GoDaddy and I want to thank you for your business.” I sure wasn’t ready for that.  Then she asked what I was planning to do with the website.  Ah ha, now it comes… I said “Just a personal blog with WordPress.” “Oh” she said, “Have you used WordPress before?”  I told her no.  She said “go to for all kinds of free education and know that we are here 24/7 with technical support.  Have a great day”.

I guess that it says something about our current world of commerce, when a simple thank you phone call is worthy of a 200 word write up on a personal blog.

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