Entrepreneurship: Think the inner city can’t be a place to start a new business? Think again. Given that there is a whole lot more real estate out there available, albeit some with bank branches and auto dealerships. Smart entrepreneurs are going to be looking for ways to make a business around these sites.
Strategy: Another Seth Godin gem. Knowing how to ask is more important than the ask itself.
Behavior: Dan Ariely, author of the terrific book Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions, spoke at a recent EG conference. EG is an offshoot of the TED conference. Dan’s topic was about how we make decisions. Besides the usual visual games, he discusses some of the reasons that we make decisions and how options that have absolutely no value often distract us in our decision-making process. Marketers are using this information today to get you to move on their buying process. In fact, as Dan describes, it could be a matter of life and death in a medical setting.
Fun: I was one of the unnamed friends at Kristin’s turkey (and other assorted goodies) fry-off last weekend. Pictures and recipes are included in her blog. I admit that I was unsure about the whole deep frying bit, but man, these treats were wonderful.