Big Picture: Imagine that your financial records were being held by your financial planner (and if you had more than one, each in a separate system) that you were not allowed to view. You trusted your financial planners, but if you asked questions of them, they would reply “Now, who is the financial planner here?”. If you ever did get to see your records and noticed an error, you could not find anyone who was responsible for fixing it. Doesn’t sound like my financial planner, thank god. But change the subject to your relationship with your physician and you aren’t so surprised anymore. Well, you may be surprised about how your medical records are actually kept. In his excellent blog, e-Patient Dave talks about his adventures in Electronic Medical Records and what we can do to make things better. Attention, open source software folks, we may need your help soon.
Economy: What is your take on these 12 iconic brands that 24/7 Wall Street believes will disappear in the next 12 months?
Fun: I thought I knew how to make a baby, but as usual, I didn’t have all the steps down right, at least according to this video.